- C L A S S E S -
How To Become a Mompreneur in 4 Weeks
Designed to help you create a simple strategy start-up plan, break that plan down into micro-action steps and get your business launched in 4 weeks or less. This training comes with email support for any questions you may have.
Build Your Shopify Website
in 10 Days
Your future business has customers waiting for you! So here's your chance to move from idea to launch in a matter of 10 days to get your Shopify website set up for success. This training comes with email support for any questions you may have.
The Small Business Management Playbook
Can your business run without you? No matter the size of your business you need an operations manual. This course will guide you step-by-step to creating the standards, policies and procedures it takes to run your business day-to-day.​
- B O O K S -
Your 4-Week Business Blueprint for
Financial Freedom &
Entrepreneurial Success!
Here are 5 things you will learn from this book:
How to develop a strong mompreneurial mindset!
How to create a financial plan to manage your expenses and pay yourself a salary from day one!
Ways to market your business online and offline!
How to create a cohesive brand identity and online brick & mortar!
How to create a solid business model to set you up for long-term success!
Learn How To Craft Your
Recovery Action
Here are 5 things you will learn from this book:
How to develop a strong mompreneurial mindset!
How to create a financial plan to manage your expenses and pay yourself a salary from day one!
Ways to market your business online and offline!
How to create a cohesive brand identity and online brick & mortar!
How to create a solid business model to set you up for long-term success!
Rebranding Strategies for
with Your Audience!
Here are 5 things you will learn from this book:
How to develop a strong mompreneurial mindset!
How to create a financial plan to manage your expenses and pay yourself a salary from day one!
Ways to market your business online and offline!
How to create a cohesive brand identity and online brick & mortar!
How to create a solid business model to set you up for long-term success!
- R E S O U R C E S -
Start-Up Toolkit
Starting the journey of becoming a mompreneur is equally exciting and a bit overwhelming. This start-up toolkit features 20 recommendations. My goal is to help you start your business with confidence and keep you organized along your journey.
Month End Organizing
10-Point Checklist
Are you prepared for next month? I always recommend taking the last Friday of each month to take "inventory" so to speak of your business! What does that look like? This checklist features the essential tasks to help make sure your business is organized and decluttered so that you're prepared for the next month!
Daily Business Progress
Tracking Spreadsheet
When you're running a business, it is incredibly important to see the progress of the actions in your business at the click of a button. Instead of having to open multiple apps/accounts, etc. this tracker allows you to see your progress data all in one place.